Phone: +61 3 9527 9422
Twitter: @MirabelFndation
Facebook: @MirabelFoundation
The Mirabel Foundation
To the committee and members of The Grassroots Sports Club,
Gentlemen, I just wanted to thank you for the generous support you have provided to the families and children from the Mirabel Foundation over the past two years. It’s great to be involved in something that is really growing and developing. Everyone at Mirabel greatly appreciates the effort put in by the organising committee and the fantastic attendance at the luncheons. We hope it continues to grow. It is such a simple, effective way to make a difference.
The previous two luncheons have donated in excess of $15000 to the Mirabel foundation which is being used to assist disadvantaged children engage in sport. We are using the funds in a variety of ways to help children get involved on many different levels. This includes funding for:
A sporting camp in November to be attended by 30 boys aged 8-12 years and 10 male volunteers
Purchase of sporting equipment for our recreation program
Taking groups of children to attend sporting events including 15 children to the Carlton v Collingwood game at the MCG
Boys group activities that have included indoor soccer, volleyball, fishing, golf and rock climbing
Assisting individual children to get involved in sport by paying club fees, equipment costs and travel costs
Sponsorship of a 15 year old elite junior swimmer
Children to attend a sporting/fitness holiday program with Chris Judd
In addition to the money raised at the Grassroots events, the members have been extremely generous in offering further assistance and support. Following the last luncheon we had 10 laptop computers and a playstation donated, a number of new Mirabel volunteers signed up and we received further donations. The response has been fantastic and one of the most significant things we have achieved is simply raising awareness about the issues these children and families experience.
Mirabel could not run its programs without support such as yours. The money is being put to use assisting children in real need, within our community, many who have experienced neglect abuse and abandonment. This GSC is so important and such a great way to help.
Once again from all the staff, children and families at the Mirabel Foundation thank you for your support and we look forward to an ongoing involvement with The Grassroots Sports Club.
Daniel Clohesy
Program and Staff Development,
Mirabel Foundation
“Mirabel could not run its programs without support such as yours. The money is being put to use assisting children in real need, within our community, many who have experienced neglect abuse and abandonment. This GSC is so important and such a great way to help.”
Daniel Clohesy
Recreation Program Co-ordinator, Mirabel Foundation
Peter Clarke
Youth Liaison Officer
Victoria Police
Mobile: 0438 768 616
Seymour Youth and Fitness Club
Dear Robert, and members of the Grassroots Sports Club,
By just saying that we are grateful of your generous donation of $3,000 doesn't fully express our feelings of appreciation.
We are amazed with your kindness, support and the invaluable help your contribution has provided to our community centre.
Already the youth of Seymour who attend our gym are enjoying the benefit of the new boxing ring that we were able to buy and install because of your generosity.
We teach boxing techniques as a tool to engage with young people in the pursuit of fitness, self discipline and and a healthy lifestyle. A new ring doesn't only benefit our existing members but helps attract more to come and use our facilities.
Your donation, as well as the help and participation of Peter Clarke, are invaluable positive factors in favour of our efforts.
Sergio Prado-Arnuero
Seymour Youth and Fitness Club
“We are amazed with your kindness, support and the invaluable help your contribution has provided to our community centre.”
Sergio Prado-Arnuero
President, Seymour Youth and Fitness Club